For loops are everywhere. Recursion is the functional way to iterate through a collection. There are pros and cons to using it over a for loop. Take a peak at what makes it useful and unique.
Functional Programming has certain design principles that make it better suited for solving problems with code. Currying is one of those features. Coming from C#, it might not be something that's ever seen on your radar. Knowing it and using it will make your code more readable and more composable.
Every C# developer uses the built in types; string, bool or int. But there also exists another set of types, String, Boolean and Int32. What's the difference? Which one should you use? Lets explore how C# namespaces resolve types and examine C#'s alias types.
Sometimes async programming can be confusing. Sometimes programming tutorials can be pretty confusing. Both can be simple when explained through a delicious medium that we all love and enjoy, Pizza! No more confusion, no more synchronous programming.