Play Audio - Fable/F#
Fable brings F# to the browser. Here’s how to play an audio clip in in Fable/F#.
Play Audio
Leveraging audio is a pretty simple, though took me awhile to figure out how to target JS types.
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.Core
//This will compile down to the JS Audio type
//I received exceptions with the attribute when this
//was in a method, not sure what the limitation is there
let [<Global("Audio")>] audioType : Browser.Types.HTMLAudioElementType = jsNative
//any old trigger
myButton.onclick <- fun _ ->
let audio = audioType.Create()
audio.src <- "./pathtoaudio/test.mp3"
Play Multiple Audio Clips
Trying to create multiple of these causes them to play at the same time. By default the browser doesn’t queue them or wait in between.
Here’s a solution to playing audio clips sequentially.
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.Core
//This will compile down to the JS Audio type
//I received exceptions with the attribute when this
//was in a method, not sure what the limitation is there
let [<Global("Audio")>] audioType : Browser.Types.HTMLAudioElementType = jsNative
//any old trigger
myButton.onclick <- fun _ ->
let audio1 = audioType.Create()
audio1.src <- "./pathtoaudio/test.mp3"
let audio2 = audioType.Create()
audio2.src <- "./pathtoaudio/test.mp3"
audio1.onended <- fun _ ->
I am leveraging the onended
event to start the next one when the first one finishes. You can string these together as many as you need.
Happy Coding!!!